all postcodes in CB9 / HAVERHILL

find any address or company within the CB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB9 8AA 15 12 52.082402 0.43851
CB9 8AX 4 3 52.082538 0.438459
CB9 8AB 2 2 52.082933 0.438919
CB9 8AD 22 13 52.082367 0.43934
CB9 8AE 1 1 52.081912 0.44006
CB9 8AG 1 1 52.082995 0.439827
CB9 8AH 21 16 52.081205 0.440751
CB9 8AL 11 0 52.081029 0.441004
CB9 8AN 28 8 52.080091 0.441989
CB9 8AP 9 0 52.079757 0.442073
CB9 8AR 39 20 52.080989 0.440477
CB9 8AU 4 1 52.081737 0.438927
CB9 8AZ 1 1 52.082945 0.438949
CB9 8BA 1 1 52.082318 0.438681
CB9 8BB 1 1 52.082657 0.437517
CB9 8BD 39 5 52.081896 0.437067
CB9 8BE 32 1 52.082043 0.435426
CB9 8BG 19 0 52.081316 0.435386
CB9 8BH 11 0 52.080808 0.436015
CB9 8BJ 4 0 52.081303 0.436889